Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The ZOO!

For Comcast's Work Party We Rented the Zoo in the Evening. It was Max's first time and was so much fun. I never really liked the zoo until I had a kid, it was fun watching him get all excited about the animals.

Half the time Max was trying to JOIN the Animals!

The only way to keep track of him!

This is the water fountain! His butt was Wet! Go figure.

So Happy! One big happy family! Anytime we tried to get a family picture Max would throw a royal fit!

This is the Giraffe that could have very easily Eaten Max's Shoe that he kicked off into the pen. The Zoo keeper had to come get it back.

Max's 1st Carousel Ride. A Silver Back Gorrilla.

All by himself and not so sure about it.

The Peacocks roam free throughout the Zoo and Max wanted to catch one soooo badly! Anytime he saw one he would try and get it.

Right where they Belong!

Aunt Ashley and Dayne went with us which was great.

The only time Max has actually Enjoyed his ride home!
He was beat tired. It was great they actually have fixed a lot of the zoo up, there is a lot more shade and there are fans and misters. Plus we went at 5pm which made it a whole lot cooler.


The Tidwell Blog said...

You got two animals there! Max and the big ape Corey! Those pictures were awesome!